Holistic treatments, balance, spiritual growth and transformation, healthy lifestyle classes, counselling and coaching... Sabina is an Holistic Healer, Life & Soul Coach, Health/ Wellness Consultant
Holistic Healing - Healthy Lifestyle - Life & Soul Coaching - Fit Over
Holistic Healing Natural and safe hands-on treatments combining the ancient wisdom of various healing traditions with modern science to promote healing, relaxation and increased vitality.
Holistic Self Healing Classes Discover the secrets of Holistic Healing! Sabina shares her best and most effective Self Healing Methods for vibrant Health & Happiness
Healthy Lifestyle Personal Classes: 10 Min. Daily Energy Wellness Routine, Autogenic Relaxation,Qi Gong, Self Massage,Ideal Weight & Healthy Eating, Gentle Yoga- Based Stretching, The 5 Tibetans ....
Health/ Wellness Counselling, Life &Soul Coaching
It's your Life!... The door is open...
Fit over 40 Fit Over 40 is a special program for those who want to look and feel vibrantly healthy, strong and beautiful.
For more Information please go to theHome Page.... Have a happy and beautiful day!