Experience a wonderful time of
Healing & Inspiration!
Your Session includes
Energy Healing
Deep Relaxation
Soul Reading & Guidance
The Energy Healing feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.
It works through your entire being: Body, Mind and Spirit to create
relaxation, peace and healing
You will experience & learn how to release stress in a gentle way
We will see what message your Soul has for you
The Session is 90 minutes
[email protected]
Deep Relaxation
Soul Reading & Guidance
The Energy Healing feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you.
It works through your entire being: Body, Mind and Spirit to create
relaxation, peace and healing
You will experience & learn how to release stress in a gentle way
We will see what message your Soul has for you
The Session is 90 minutes
[email protected]